Augusta Concrete Floor Coatings | Budget Epoxy Flooring Pro

What is the best exterior concrete coating?


The best exterior concrete coating will be able to do one or more of these things: prevent and reduce water penetration, provide chemical resistance against acids and alkalis, and preserve the structural integrity of the concrete in the presence of aggressive chemicals found in cleaners and detergents. It will also need flexibility at low temperatures and adhesion to cementitious surfaces.

Why is polyurea the best product choice?

Concerning exterior concrete sealers and coatings, the most popular option is polyurethane. Polyurethane offers a wide range of benefits, but when it comes to protecting your concrete from the harsh elements of the outside world with a long-lasting sealer that genuinely keeps the elements out, polyurea is the superior choice.

Polyurea was developed as a spray-on coating for industrial applications in the 1950s. Since then, it has become more prevalent in domestic settings, thanks to its easy application and even easier maintenance needs. Polyurea is also much more potent than polyurethane and can withstand brutal conditions. This makes it ideal for maintaining structures such as bridges, dams, piers, and retaining walls—forms are exposed to the elements daily. This durability also means that once applied to your concrete surface, you won’t have to worry about using another coat.

Another great thing about polyurea is that it’s water-based—it’s non-toxic and eco-friendly, which means there are no harmful vapors emitted from the curing product. This also means you don’t have to worry about any harmful emissions from applying or removing it.


What is the purpose of exterior concrete coatings?

The challenge with exterior concrete is that it ages and becomes discolored. How often have you driven past a building where the concrete looks dirty and stained? The solution is to apply an exterior coating to the concrete. Some products on the market accomplish this task, but not all are created equal. One of the most popular options is polyurea, which has many advantages over its competitors. Polyurea is a polymer-based coating that dries to form a durable finish that will last for years under harsh conditions. It can be applied over any properly prepared surface without fear of peeling or flaking as an ink or stain would. The product offers excellent protection from UV rays, moisture, salt spray, and other environmental elements. It’s also easy to apply and maintain, making it a good option for DIY homeowners.

Exterior concrete coatings serve two primary purposes: waterproofing and protection. Waterproofing is an essential factor in protecting the structural integrity of the building—water can cause water penetration and damage to a building’s components, including cracking, mold growth, weakening of the structure, and, ultimately, complete failure of the building. Protection is another primary purpose for exterior concrete coatings. Protecting your concrete from adverse outdoor conditions can extend its lifespan and reduce maintenance costs when fixing the surface.

The basics of exterior concrete coatings are pretty straightforward—the job of any coating layer is to create a barrier between the concrete and outside elements that would otherwise deteriorate it. There are many different options available for both waterproofing and protection. Hydro-sealing is one method commonly used to waterproof a building. It involves applying a sealant layer on top of the existing surface and then sealing it with smooth pebbles or granules to protect it from potential water intrusion.

This coating technique is most suitable on flat surfaces with little-to-no texture present. If any texture is present on your surface, trowelling the coating down will only make the texture more pronounced over time as it breaks down faster than the uncoated.

When do I need an exterior concrete coating, and how often should I apply it?

The best exterior concrete coating is one that you apply correctly and regularly because concrete is a porous material that needs to be protected from the elements to preserve its structural integrity over time.

Concrete is particularly susceptible to weather damage because of its porous nature. Water can seep into the concrete and then freeze, heaving the surface of the concrete up from underneath and creating cracks in the surface. The water dries when the temperature drops, allowing algae and other microorganisms to grow inside the crack. In addition, salt from de-icing products becomes trapped in the cracks, which can corrode metal rebar or other structural components embedded within them.

Concrete chemistry can also deteriorate over time, causing it to lose strength and become brittle. It’s important to regularly apply an appropriate exterior concrete coating to your concrete surfaces so they remain solid and durable.

To protect your concrete correctly, exterior concrete coatings must be applied every 2-3 years, depending on weather conditions and where you live. When deciding whether or not you should re-coat your patio or garage floor, look for cracks in the surface or visible signs of deterioration caused by ultraviolet light exposure.


Can anyone apply an exterior concrete coating, or do I need to call a professional?

A common question when considering applying a protective concrete coating to their homes is whether they can do it themselves or need to hire a professional. There are many concrete coatings on the market, and each one is different, so it’s worth considering what you want out of your coating, how much time you want to invest in the process, and what kind of results you’re looking for before deciding.

There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether or not you can apply an exterior concrete coating on your own. The product you choose should begin with the suitable sealer, which is typically a solvent-based or water-based acrylic. These types of sealers have self-leveling properties, which means that they will flow into the low areas of the concrete and level it out, so there aren’t any dips in the surface. When you choose concrete sealer, look for one with high solid content and is latex free.

The coating will usually be applied with either a sprayer or roller. Some of these products are extruded and will dry to a troweled finish, but some are still liquid and require multiple coats to achieve the smoothest possible surface. If you’re planning on applying an exterior concrete coating yourself, choose one with instructions for application by sprayer rather than a roller.

When it comes to applying this type of coating on your own, there are a few things you should know before getting started:

-You can’t just use any concrete coating. The product must be made explicitly for outdoor concrete surfaces.

-Most concrete coatings are only effective on clean and dry concrete. Wet or dirty surfaces may require prepping by scrubbing with a pressure washer or power cleaning.

-Professional-grade products will last longer than those not designed for outdoor use, but they can still be affected by extreme temperatures and weather conditions. Most coatings can withstand freezing temperatures if your driveway is used sparingly during the winter.

If you’re unsure if you can apply an exterior concrete coating on your own, you shouldn’t try it. To find out more about our affordable services, you can check us at


How will my new exterior concrete coating affect the look and feel of my concrete surface?

Before you search for the best exterior concrete coating, it helps to understand what you’ll be getting and how it will affect the look and feel of your concrete surface.

When most of us think of concrete, we imagine a hard, cold material that’s, at the very least, dull and gray. The reality is that concrete can be used to create a wide range of design options and feels, and one of the most exciting things about it is its versatility in color and finish. How you apply your new exterior concrete coating will have a greater effect on the look and feel than even the type of coating you choose.

For example, if you apply your new coating over bare concrete, you’ll probably have a standard white or gray finish. Even if you could find a fabulous dark or bright color for your new coating, those qualities would only come across in small doses as imperfections or highlights in the paint layer—a color that shows through from under an even coat of paint is called a “tone.” A tone is usually just enough color variation to add interest without overpowering a room or looking like someone just took a brush to your wall.

Concrete is a popular choice for exterior floors since it’s suitable and affordable. However, people only think of concrete as a high-end finish in some areas. Fortunately, there are ways to spruce up your concrete without redoing it, painting it, or doing anything else that would be more expensive or time-consuming. One of the best things you can do is apply a new layer of concrete coating. The best thing about this is that it won’t change the look and feel of the surface underneath; it will still feel like classic concrete and have the same smooth finish that you’d to. But with a new layer of coating over it, you’ll get an extra layer of protection from moisture and staining, as well as some added scratch resistance. That’s why we recommend applying new coating as soon as you can after pouring your new concrete floor. If you wait too long and damage does occur, you might have to strip down the old surface first—that’s when it gets into painting territory, which is much more involved and costly. So if you’re thinking about making your plain concrete exterior look chic and modern, don’t hesitate to coat it with a new sealant.


How do I handle cracks in my coating?

You’re already doing everything to keep your concrete as fresh and new as possible. You’ve got an excellent sealer on it, re-coating it every few years, and you even have it pressure-washed regularly to keep it looking at its best. But there’s still a problem: cracks.

It’s the bane of many a concrete coating job, and the longer you wait to fix them, the worse they get. The good news is that they don’t necessarily mean your concrete is doomed—there are easy ways to fill in cracks that can keep them from spreading further and help them fade back into the background so they look like part of the original coat rather than a noticeable blemish.

Selecting the suitable crack filler will depend on what kind of crack you’re dealing with. You can use a topical crack filler for surface cracks and ones that only go partway into the concrete. These use an epoxy resin that bonds directly with your existing coating to fill any fissures in one quick application. They work great for small surface cracks, but if the crack goes all the way through to the substrate, then you be better off using a penetrating crack filler instead.


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